Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy Statement

Andel Plant Limited cares about the environment in all its forms and recognises that environmental effects must be an integral part of company business.

Andel Plant Limited is committed to minimising the impact of its operations on the environment by means of a programme of continuous improvement.  In particular, Andel Plant Limited will:

  • Meet and, where reasonable practicable exceed, the requirements of all relevant legislation.
  • Integrate environmental factors into business decisions.
  • Seek to reduce consumption of materials in all operations, reuse rather than dispose whenever possible, and promote recycling and the use of recycled materials.
  • Implement energy and water conservation schemes. 
  • Design energy efficiency into new services, buildings and products and manage energy wisely in all operations.
  • Reduce, wherever reasonably practicable, the level of harmful emissions.
  • Market products that make efficient use of resources and which can be reused or recycled so far, as is reasonably practicable.
  • Work with our suppliers to minimise the impact of their operations on the environment through a quality purchasing procedure.
  • Site our buildings, structures and operational plant so as to minimise visual, noise and other impacts on the local environment
  • Include environmental issues in training programmes and encourage sound environmental practices by all staff.
  • Respond to the concerns of the local community and other interested parties.

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